If you are unsure if your request is classified as an Emergency, please view the document here.
If it is classified as an Emergency, please contact Maintenance Services on (08) 6119 5066 or Internal 5066
During Office Hours Emergencies must be phoned through to the Building Asset Department on, or if the issue is life threatening, the Building Asset Manager. Maintenance still requires a formal Maintenance Request to be completed through myBuildings.
If your Maintenance Request is after hours, emergency only, please contact (08) 9240 0372. The call-centre will assess the situation, and organise contractor personnel to attend accordingly if needed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Maintenance still require a formal Maintenance Request to be submitted the following working day.
Should you have any general queries or problems, ple
ase send an email to mybuildings@juniper.org.au
or call the team on (08)
6119 5066.